Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Experience with Online Class

First of all, sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have been under the weather during the last week. As some of you know, I have lupus. I am currently flaring due to over-exertion. Lesson learned here is that I will have to change my exercise regimen to ensure this doesn't happen again. But enough on that subject....

As far as the experience I had last week, I thought it was great.

There were only a couple of challenges that I can think of. 1) There were issues with the web cam portion, so we didn't have the pleasure of both watching and listening to the guest speakers. Once the camera was shut off, the sound connection improved drastically. Lesson learned here: When using internet based technology, connection speed on both ends will definitely affect the quality of the experience. 2) We couldn't communicate verbally with the other location (Cincinnatti). The use of Instant Messaging was a positive alternative. However, always find that verbal communication in a meeting to be more productive than written communication. Lesson learned here: In some cases, using a combination of traditional and new forms of technology may be the best solution. It may have been more affective to have a conference call number, in addition to the internet based technology.

On the positive side, the Instant Message technology was great. It was both effective in keeping the conversation going and entertaining. I felt that it kept everyone involved and engaged. The class definitely had fun - Go Faster, Go Slower (Ha, Ha). In addition, the combination of using voice technology and presentation tools definitely ehnanced the experience.

Along with the tools we used, the presenters were great. Professor Lloyd's conversation about transactional versus transformational leadership was interesting. I see transactional leadership as management and only transformational leadership as true leadership. However, my favorite presentation was Donovan Myrie's discussion on changing technology. It was obvoius that his knowledge in this area is immense. His comments on the elimination of the Blockbuster stores because people can now get movies via downloads and through the mail was informative, and the fact that they may be offering boxes that will allow people to get movies downloaded to them in minutes definitely proves that companies are finding ways to adapt to the changing world.

Overall, I thought the experience was great. This type of technology will continue to change the way that we do business and even learn. It is definitely addresses to issues in learning - adult learners find that web-based learning is more cost effective and convenient, but would also like the face to face interaction with the professor. This technology will accomplish both offering face to face while offering cost effective ways to communicate with those in different locations. I am just thankful that I had the opportunity.


Jeffrey said...

I didn't know that you had Lupus? My Mother has MS so I understand what you are going through with your flair ups. I had a dog who had Lupus. This was very rare!
Nice work with your reflection post. I liked the feedback on the various professors. I passed along your feedback to Prof Myrie.
Keep up the great work and see you in class. I hope you are feeling better than I am.

Unknown said...


Had a great time teaching you guys! Yeah, the technology was a little fritzy but I think that had more to do with the connection then the software. Thanks for being such a great class and making my job easy!!!!
